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The Best of 2017: Our Top 5 Multisport Articles

From how to master your flip turn to the perfect 70.3 brick workout, here are our top-five multisport articles from 2017.

If your swim-bike-run has been temporarily replaced by cookie-nap-Netflix—don’t fret. The off-season is a good time to relax a bit and enjoy the festivities. But, when you’re ready to get back on track, these articles will give you some guidance on everything from how to fit in some bike speed work to why this year is the year you should finally complete an IRONMAN.

1. How to Perfect Your Flip Turn for Faster Swimming by Dan Bullock

Are you sick of the time-sucking open turn while swimming laps? Follow these tips for mastering the flip turn for more fluid and speedier pool swimming.

2. Early Season Speed Part 2: When to Start Incoporating Bike Speed Work by Paul Gardner

Whether you’re racing crits, stage races or just looking to improve your triathlon bike leg, the early months of the year are the best time to start honing in on your speed work. Here’s all you need to know about how to get started.

3. Power Analysis: Lionel Sanders at the 2017 IRONMAN World Championship by Dave Schell

This year’s IRONMAN World Championship featured some knockout bike and run performances. Here we’ve outlined the power profile of runner-up finisher Lionel Sanders, who blazed through the 112 miles in 4 hours and 13 minutes.

4. The Ultimate IRONMAN 70.3 Brick Workout by Mike Ricci

A good, solid brick workout in the weeks prior to your race provides you with huge insights into how prepared you are for race day. Download this ultimate long-distance brick workout to see how you fare before heading into your next IRONMAN 70.3.

5. Debunked: 5 Incorrect Assumptions People Make About Training for an IRONMAN by Steven Moody

There are a million excuses people make for not signing up for an IRONMAN. Here are the top-five incorrect assumptions people have about IRONMAN training—and why you need to toss them aside and hit that “register now” button already.

Need more tips and workouts to fuel your 2018 racing and training goals? Check out the rest of our year-in-review series, including top-five articles about cycling, running, nutrition and strength training, and learn more about how TrainingPeaks can help you reach your goals.  

Full Distance Triathlon Training Guide Thumbnail

The Ultimate Full-Distance Training Guide

Training Guide

This guide is designed to be used as you train for a full-distance triathlon, with in-depth information on every part of the process. Each chapter is packed with tips, workouts, and insights from triathlon coaches, to give you all the tools you need to succeed.

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