If you want to get to the next level in your cycling performance, consider doing a functional threshold power (FTP) training block.
Improving your FTP means that you can go faster without going above your threshold. Maybe you won’t be a better sprinter, but you’ll no longer need to make those jumps to stay on the pack or struggle to not get dropped in the hills. You’ll also save a lot of energy and matches in your races, leaving you primed for the sprint or a solo effort to win.
Focus on your FTP training for at least 10 weeks (rest week in week 4), and you’ll see a big difference. Here’s how to do it.
How to Increase FTP
If we look at fitness as an overall picture, your threshold power plays a huge part. Strategizing how to increase your FTP and then executing that plan takes time.
Trusting your training and staying focused during every interval during your training block is key. Here are some points to focus on to get the most out of your training:
- Increase the duration of your weekend group rides.
You need to go more than four hours to really stress your cardiovascular and muscular systems.
Try to climb as much as you can near your threshold on Saturday and arrive home with that “heavy legs” feeling after a hard day of climbing. On Sunday, you should be tired but able to ride just under your threshold (88-93% of your FTP). This is often referred to as the “sweet spot”. - Do three days of solid FTP intervals (91-105% of your FTP) per week.
Start doing 40 to 60 minutes each day, and gradually increase to 60 to 90 minutes. Try to get the 90-minute threshold workout on Saturday during your group ride and really go deep. - Get adequate rest between sessions.
Remember that you need to reach 91-105% of your FTP, so an easy endurance ride between sessions will allow you to recover. Saturday should be your breakthrough workout, but if you feel tired just maintain those watts at least 88% of your FTP.

FTP Training Workouts
Here are three, solid FTP interval workouts you can include in your next training block.
1. 3 x 10-Minute FTP Intervals
Start with a 10 minute warm up at your endurance zone with a few one-minute fast cadence efforts (above 110rpm). This helps your ability to contract your muscles faster and be ready for the main part of the session.
Do 3×10-minute intervals at 91-95% of your FTP and recover for five minutes between each interval with an easy spin. If you are riding outside, hammer the final 400 meters to really exhaust your VO2max system. End your ride with 30 minutes at your endurance zone and keep your cadence high.
During the last week before the recovery week, try doing 4×10 minute intervals to get 40 minutes of FTP work.
2. 3 x 15-Minute FTP Intervals
Start with your warm up at endurance pace and some fast pedaling efforts. Then do 3 x 15 minute FTP intervals with 8 minute recovery between.
These are a little harder than the 10 minute intervals, but you will accumulate 45 minutes of solid FTP work with this session.
Try to do this workout on Wednesday or Thursday so Friday can be an day off. This ensure you’re rested up for a hilly Saturday group ride.
3. 2 x 20-minute FTP Intervals and Tempo Pacing
This could be a good Saturday group ride, so try to go for more than four hours.
You can do the 20 minute intervals on the hills during the ride. Make the downhill your recovery and work on those handling skills!
Do first the 20 minute interval just at your FTP and try to maintain a steady output. Between hills, it’s important to set the pace at your tempo zone to keep working on your anaerobic threshold.
Once you’re done with your 20 minute intervals, make the rest of the hills at “sweet spot” (88-93% of your FTP). If you feel tired stay high in your tempo zone.
The late base period is about building your engine and raising your FTP. Use these three sessions to go hard and you’ll see the difference in the next season!