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TrainingPeaks University Continues to Grow

BY Dave Schell

TrainingPeaks University teaches coaches how to be more efficient, best business practices and how to analyze data. Here is a quick look back at how TPU has grown to 9 events across the world, and a look ahead to where we are taking it.

We just finished the last TrainingPeaks University of 2014 with another sold out crowd at the TrainingPeaks Boulder, Colorado headquarters. At TPU, coaches learn efficient workflows, how to use features, how to analyze a workout and leverage the dashboard, best business practices and more. In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to talk with your coaching colleagues to exchange business ideas and coaching concepts.

The final TPU of 2014 marked our 9th event and it is showing no signs of slowing down. The inaugural TPU kicked off in March of 2013 in our new headquarters. The program was so well received that we immediately began planning for more events with broader reach. We did two more TPU events in 2013, a second one in Boulder and then one with British Cycling at the National Cycling Centre in Manchester.

In 2014, we repeated those sessions and continued to find new locations such as Chicago at the Gatorade Sports Science Institute and in Kona, Hawai’i the week of the Ironman World Championship. Along with new locations, we added more value to the curriculum. We brought in guest speakers such as Matthew Pahnke, the research and development Principal Scientist at the GSSI on the importance of hydration for the endurance athlete, Retul fit experts Garrett Getter and Ivan O’Gorman on the impact bike fit has on aerodynamics, and Ryan Cooper, Chief Scientist and Founder of Best Bike Split, which was recently acquired by TrainingPeaks. Best Bike Split allows coaches and athletes to predict bike times based on FTP, TSS, or goal time.

In 2015 we are seeking to expand into new areas  while continuing to add to our already impressive list of guest speakers. If you are interested in hosting a TPU, and have access to a facility that can host a minimum of 50 people, contact us.

Thank you to all those who have attended in the past and we look forward to spending time with the coaches we have yet to meet. At it’s core, TrainingPeaks University was created as a way for us to meet our coaches and help them to grow their business and achieve their dreams. After all, if you are not successful, we are not successful.

I hope to see you at the next TPU. See our list of upcoming events.

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About Dave Schell

Dave Schell is the Director of Education at TrainingPeaks University. He coaches triathletes and cyclists of all levels from beginner to pro to achieve their highest potential. When Dave isn’t traveling the world teaching others how to better use TrainingPeaks, he’s trying hard not to fall off of his mountain bike.

Visit Dave Schell's Coach Profile