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Covid19 Solo 10km Challenge - Beginner

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Covid19 Solo 10km Challenge - Beginner


Rob Dallimore

All plans by this Coach


8 Weeks

Plan Description

With Covid19 affecting our race calendars here's a chance for you to plan your own 'Virtual 10km' and test yourself to see what you can do. Why not tell your Training Partners to join you in this virtual challenge, and you can all set your own 'race date' and share in the training to get there.

Those of you undertaking this Training Plan should have a good level of fitness. It is assumed that you can run/walk continuously for over 45 minutes, are of good health, and are not currently injured.

The key to this program, and completing the 10km in a good time, is to keep the sessions within your own limits!! You may be tempted to do the easier runs harder than prescribed, and this is the problem we see with most runners, they try to run the easy stuff too fast and the fast stuff not fast enough. Remember that speed is relative to you - do not compare yourself to anyone else. You may think you are running slow because you think your speed is slow, but if you can't make the run/jog times as set out in the plan then you are running too fast for you. Relax, slow down, find a rhythm and that pace that you CAN maintain, even if it is easy easy easy! And don't worry, with training consistency your speed will increase with time, but don't force it as this will only make your running a chore and we want you to LOVE running.

We'd love you to tell the world what you're doing. So after your workouts, if you are posting it to Strava, Instagram, Facebook etc; be sure to mention you are doing the Foot Traffic Half Marathon Solo Challenge, and use the Hashtags #FootTrafficTri #TrainingLab #10ksolochallenge

How it Works

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Training Plan Sample Week


Average Weekly Breakdown

Workouts Weekly Average Longest Workout
Run x4
02:32:00 01:30:00
Day Off x2
—— ——
Other x1
00:20:00 00:20:00
Strength x1
01:00:00 01:00:00
Workouts Per Week Weekly Average Longest Workout
02:32:00 01:30:00
Day Off
—— ——
00:20:00 00:20:00
01:00:00 01:00:00

Training Load By Week

Rob Dallimore

Foot Traffic Coaching

Triathlon-Duathlon-Running. I’ll take the burden of planning and interpreting your training off your shoulders to help you achieve your goals and avoid making fundamental training mistakes.

  • This plan includes a Free Basic TrainingPeaks Account.
  • Access your training plan anywhere on the TrainingPeaks mobile and desktop apps.
  • Track your performance with robust data tracking and detailed graphs.
  • Plan for your event in the TrainingPeaks calendar.
  • Track your weight, sleep, hours, fatigue and stress while you train.
  • Completed workouts sync with popular apps like Garmin and Wahoo. Learn More
  • If plan includes Structured Workouts, then planned workouts sync to compatible devices and guide you through workouts in real time. Learn More

Refund Policy

This plan is protected by our Refund Policy and may, with the author's approval, be exchanged for a plan of equal value from the same author.

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