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Base swim block for half distance triathletes - intermediate

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Base swim block for half distance triathletes - intermediate


Maria Simone, No Limits Endurance Coaching

All plans by this Coach


8 Weeks

Plan Description

Creator: Maria Simone, No Limits Endurance Coaching

Length: 8 weeks

Weekly Volume: Starts at 8000 weekly yards and builds to 10000 weekly yards

Ability level: Intermediate, long course triathletes (half to 140.6 distance

This is an off-season swim block program, that features 4 swims per week. It is designed for triathletes who are able to swim at least 2500 yards, and who are planning on a half distance race in the coming season. Workouts focus on skills, speed, endurance and strength.

Note: this plan features swims only. But, can be combined with maintenance level bikes and runs.

You will need the following equipment: 1) Pull buoy, 2) Kick Board, 3) Paddles

This plan does not come with regular coach correspondence. However, anyone who purchases the plan may have a one-time email consult - maria@nolimitsendurance.com. I recommend you take the time to review the entire plan and take note of any questions you have. Then, email them to maximize this correspondence. If you'd like a phone or video consult, you get 20% off the current rate.

Athletes who purchase this plan receive a 10% discount to join our #NLECrew, the team for endurance athletes with no limits! Visit #NLECrew for details or to sign up.

Upon purchase of the plan, you can email Maria for the code to get your club discount.

For more information about No Limits Endurance Coaching, please visit our website at www.NoLimitsEndurance.com

Join us on Facebook and let us know how the training goes and how the race goes!

How it Works

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Training Plan Sample Week


Average Weekly Breakdown

Workouts Weekly Average Longest Workout
Swim x4
00:32:00 01:00:00
Workouts Per Week Weekly Average Longest Workout
00:32:00 01:00:00

Training Load By Week

This plan works best with the following fitness devices:

Maria Simone

No Limits Endurance Coaching

What's your big dream - you know the one that makes you feel scared AND excited? Yup, that one. From big goals for the first time or a fast time, I can to help!

I coach with a holistic approach that considers your athletic ability and history, mental training, and life-training balance. We'll focus on your short and long terms goals and all available metrics to dynamically progress your training.

  • This plan includes a Free Basic TrainingPeaks Account.
  • Access your training plan anywhere on the TrainingPeaks mobile and desktop apps.
  • Track your performance with robust data tracking and detailed graphs.
  • Plan for your event in the TrainingPeaks calendar.
  • Track your weight, sleep, hours, fatigue and stress while you train.
  • Completed workouts sync with popular apps like Garmin and Wahoo. Learn More
  • If plan includes Structured Workouts, then planned workouts sync to compatible devices and guide you through workouts in real time. Learn More

Refund Policy

This plan is protected by our Refund Policy and may, with the author's approval, be exchanged for a plan of equal value from the same author.

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