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1/2 Marathon - Begynder træningsprogram

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1/2 Marathon - Begynder træningsprogram

Includes Structured Workouts

Structured Workouts automatically sync with compatible devices and guide you through workouts in real time.

Learn More about Structured Workouts.


Kasper Hartl Hansen

All plans by this Coach


21 Weeks

Includes Structured Workouts

Structured Workouts automatically sync with compatible devices and guide you through workouts in real time.

Learn More about Structured Workouts.

Plan Description

Om Træningsprogrammet
Dette program er tegnet af Kasper Hartl Hansen, certificeret personlig træner med speciale i udholdenhedssport. Formålet med træningsprogrammet er at tilbyde et fem måneders program, for optimal forberedelse for halvmarathon-debutanten. Dette opnåes igennem fem varierende ugentlige træningspas.

Træningen i dette program er planlagt og tilrettelagt med det mål at maksimere udbygning af aerobisk form og muskulær udholdenhed igennem:
1. Træningspas med stabilt tempo, for udbygning af aerobisk form.
2. Mellemlange træningspas med momentvis laktattærskel interval, for øgning af muskulær udholdenhed.
3. Korte og hurtige interval-sessioner, for øgning af styrke og tilvænning til vekslende tempo.

Værd at bemærke:
- Pulsmåler og løbeur, med tempo-funktion (pace), er påkrævet for at følge denne træningsplan.
- Træningspas måles, fremdeles, i tid. Distanceture måles dog i distance.
- Fem ugentlige træningspas + en cross-træning.
- Strukturerede træningspas.
- Grundig forklaring af træningspas samt kommentarer og hints i løbet af træningsfaserne.
- E-mail support direkte med den ansvarlige træner ved spørgsmål til programmet:

For en personligt tilpasset udgave af denne plan der imødekommer dine specifikke behov, benyt vores Made-to-Fit service. Prisen for konsultation + made-to-fit tilpasning = 225kr. Tilbudet er kun gældende for kunder der er i besiddelse af et aktivt træningsprogram. Book din konsultation og efterfølgende tilpasning af dit program på:

Mere fra Optimum Coaching
Vi leverer en bred vifte af træningsprogrammer for cykelryttere. Alle programmer er baseret på gennemtestede principper og underbygges af erfaring, professionel indsigt og videnskabelig evidens. Læs mere om Optimum på hjemmesiden her finder du også bloggen, Baroudeur, med et bredt indholdsudvalg fra træning til kost, restitution og meget mere.

How it Works

Load Your Plan

Quickly view upcoming workouts in the TrainingPeaks app.

Workout and Analyze

Upload completed workouts from your favorite tracking app or device.

Track Your Progress

Get feedback, stay on top of your training and perform at your best.

Learn More

Training Plan Sample Week


Average Weekly Breakdown

Workouts Weekly Average Longest Workout
Run x5
02:13:00 00:52:00
Day Off x1
—— ——
Workouts Per Week Weekly Average Longest Workout
02:13:00 00:52:00
Day Off
—— ——

Training Load By Week

This plan works best with the following fitness devices:

  • Heart Rate Monitor
  • GPS

All supported devices

Kasper Hartl Hansen

Optimum Coaching

Optimum Coaching is a trusted partner in the endurance community, offering 1-on-1 coaching, remote coaching, as well as generic training plans and semi-customised plans, to athletes on all levels, from beginner to world elite.

In all our undertakings, and no matter the clients athletic level, we aim to meet expectations by offering a professional coaching practice, based on dedication and passion.

  • This plan includes a Free Basic TrainingPeaks Account.
  • Access your training plan anywhere on the TrainingPeaks mobile and desktop apps.
  • Track your performance with robust data tracking and detailed graphs.
  • Plan for your event in the TrainingPeaks calendar.
  • Track your weight, sleep, hours, fatigue and stress while you train.
  • Completed workouts sync with popular apps like Garmin and Wahoo. Learn More
  • If plan includes Structured Workouts, then planned workouts sync to compatible devices and guide you through workouts in real time. Learn More

Refund Policy

This plan is protected by our Refund Policy and may, with the author's approval, be exchanged for a plan of equal value from the same author.

Still have questions about this plan?
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Bundle your plan with TrainingPeaks Premium, and you'll unlock our progress-tracking tools, plus the freedom to move workouts to fit your schedule.

$106.24 USD for the first year, billed yearly.

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