3LAB cycling Power Plan
3LAB cycling Power Plan
Structured Workouts automatically sync with compatible devices and guide you through workouts in real time.
Learn More about Structured Workouts.
4 Weeks
Structured Workouts automatically sync with compatible devices and guide you through workouts in real time.
Learn More about Structured Workouts.
Plan Description
Bienvenido a nuestro Indoor Cycling Plan de 4 Semanas. Aqui vas a encontrar workouts dirigidos para mantenerte activo y mejorar tu nivel de ciclismo al final de estas.
El plan está creado sobre tu FTP (Functional Threshold Power) - esto es la potencia maxima que eres capaz de sostener durante 20min, si tienes potenciometro o smart trainer puedes basar todo tu entrenamiento con este.
Si deseas entrenar con Ritmo Cardíaco o no tienes como medir tu potencia, no te preocupes, absolutamente todo el plan lo cambias a RC. Es muy fácil, en el workout del día haces clic - arriba en las barras azules haces clic - y en el menú superior cambiar de %FTP a % Threshold HR o % de Frecuencia Máxima y listo!
Al comprar este plan tienes una llamada inicial con uno de nuestros entrenadores que te resolverán todas tus dudas y te ayudaran a configurar lo antes mencionado. Nos estaremos comunicando contigo para programar la llamada!
3Lab Training
P.D Todos nuestros se envían en inglés, si requieres el plan en español, hazlo saber durante la llamada y te cambiamos el idioma.
How it Works
Quickly view upcoming workouts in the TrainingPeaks app.
Upload completed workouts from your favorite tracking app or device.
Get feedback, stay on top of your training and perform at your best.
Training Plan Sample Week
Average Weekly Breakdown
Workouts | Weekly Average | Longest Workout |
08:14:00 | 03:10:00 |
01:01:00 | 01:00:00 |
Day Off
—— | —— |
Workouts Per Week | Weekly Average | Longest Workout | |
08:14:00 | 03:10:00 | |
01:01:00 | 01:00:00 | |
—— | —— |
Training Load By Week
This plan works best with the following fitness devices:
- Power Meter
- Heart Rate Monitor
- This plan includes a Free Basic TrainingPeaks Account.
- Access your training plan anywhere on the TrainingPeaks mobile and desktop apps.
- Track your performance with robust data tracking and detailed graphs.
- Plan for your event in the TrainingPeaks calendar.
- Track your weight, sleep, hours, fatigue and stress while you train.
- Completed workouts sync with popular apps like Garmin and Wahoo. Learn More
- If plan includes Structured Workouts, then planned workouts sync to compatible devices and guide you through workouts in real time. Learn More
Refund Policy
This plan is protected by our Refund Policy and may, with the author's approval, be exchanged for a plan of equal value from the same author.
Still have questions about this plan?15% Off
Bundle your plan with TrainingPeaks Premium, and you'll unlock our progress-tracking tools, plus the freedom to move workouts to fit your schedule.

$106.24 USD for the first year, billed yearly.