This is the highest level of TrainingPeaks accreditation. Level 2 coaches have completed TrainingPeaks University and have demonstrated their ability to utilize metrics in TrainingPeaks. They can provide you with the expert instruction and feedback you need to achieve your goals.
Raleigh, NC , United States
I believe in developing training plans that encompass a “Full Picture” approach. This approach develops training that suits you and your goals. It will take into account your training history, goals, training preferences, schedule restraints and your “Why”. With this approach we will be able to develop a periodized training plan that will help you achieve your goals while enjoying the process and staying true to your “Why”. All of this while working with your schedule to make it all happen.
I was born and raised in Apex, NC and currently live in Raleigh, NC. Growing up I was not the athletic type. I played some sports here and there but never really amounted to much at any of them. I joined the Fire Department as soon as I graduated high school which has proved to be an excellent career which has led to a lot of significant change in my life including massive weight loss. My family was chronically obese and soon I became obese as well. At the age of 19 I was tipping the scales at 300lbs and knew something had to change. I managed to get hired as a fireman and when I did, I was stationed with an officer who changed my life. He taught me how nutrition worked and how to eat properly to not only lose weight but also to fuel myself for working out. After about a year I was 100lbs down and ended up settling out having lost roughly 110lbs.
During this journey I found the running world and signed up for my first race, a half-marathon. After training myself for several months for that race I lined up at the start line. The since of accomplishment that I felt at the end of that race was unparalleled by any other physical experience I have had. That experience got me hooked on running and that sparked a snowball. I then went on to run several marathons and proceeded to discover the trail world where I currently race the Ultramarathon Distances.
Raleigh, NC
United States