Stefano Mozzillo
Stefano Mozzillo HPA high performance analysis
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Stefano Mozzillo
Level 2 Coach

This is the highest level of TrainingPeaks accreditation. Level 2 coaches have completed TrainingPeaks University and have demonstrated their ability to utilize metrics in TrainingPeaks. They can provide you with the expert instruction and feedback you need to achieve your goals.

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TrainingPeaks Certified Coach Level 2
Stefano Mozzillo HPA high performance analysis
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Livorno-Sulmona , Italy


English, Italian

Sport Types
  • Triathlon
  • Road Cycling
  • Running
  • Mountain Biking
  • Duathlon
  • Personal Training
  • Cross Country Skiing
  • Mountaineering
  • 1-on-1 Coaching
  • Consultations
  • Group Coaching
  • Local Coaching
  • Remote Coaching
  • Strength Training
  • Nutrition
  • Biochemical Analysis
Athlete Requirements
l'atleta deve necessariamente essere in possesso di una fascia cardio e di un gps. Per ciclisti intermedi/avanzati è vivamente consigliato l utilizzo di un powermeter
Meet Your Coach
Stefano Mozzillo
TrainingPeaks Certified Coach Level 2
Stefano Mozzillo HPA high performance analysis
Livorno-Sulmona Italy
Coach Bio

Sono un atleta e coach di sport di ultra-endurance amante della ricerca della massima performance, in continuo aggiornamento con studi scientifici e tecnologici riguardanti gli sport di lunga durata.

I am an ultra-endurance sports athlete and coach who loves searching for maximum performance, constantly updated with scientific and technological studies concerning endurance sports.

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Mi chiamo Stefano Mozzillo, mi occupo della preparazione atletica negli sport di endurance. Alla base della programmazione degli allenamenti c'è lo studio dei fattori limitanti la performance dell'atleta, la disponibilità di tempo per allenarsi, la tipologia di eventi ai quali partecipare e la loro priorità così da poter arrivare con il massimo livello di forma per le gare più importanti della stagione o anche per ritrovare la condizione persa dopo periodi di inattività.

My name is Stefano Mozzillo, I deal with athletic training in endurance sports. At the base of the training planning there is the study of the factors limiting the performance of the athlete, the availability of time to train, the type of events to participate in and their priority so as to be able to arrive with the highest level of form for the most important races of the season or even to regain the lost condition after periods of inactivity.

Preferred Athlete Levels
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Professional
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