Level 1 coaches have passed the TrainingPeaks accreditation course and have shown that they have the knowledge and skill to help you reach your goals.
Virginia Beach, VA , United States
I help athletes who want to make the jump from average to the best version of themselves. I have extensive experience helping athletes busy, full-time lives optimize their time, in order to get the best possible results. We help individuals become balanced athletes, by guiding their specific sport, but also including in-depth strength, nutrition, and race planning.
I've been coaching athletes since 2015 and competing in triathlon since 2012. I've coached a wide range of athletes from beginners to professional triathletes, Boston Marathon Qualifiers, Ironman World Championship Qualifiers and Ultraman athletes. Personally, I've competed in both 70.3 and Kona Ironman World Championships. I've won multiple Ultraman triathlons and placed 2nd at the Ultraman World Championships.
3957 Aeries Way
Virginia Beach, VA
United States