George Leal
George Leal Power4Endurance
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George Leal
Level 2 Coach

This is the highest level of TrainingPeaks accreditation. Level 2 coaches have completed TrainingPeaks University and have demonstrated their ability to utilize metrics in TrainingPeaks. They can provide you with the expert instruction and feedback you need to achieve your goals.

Learn More about TrainingPeaks Level 2 Coaches

TrainingPeaks Certified Coach Level 2
George Leal Power4Endurance
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Carcavelos , Portugal


English, Portuguese

Sport Types
  • Triathlon
  • Road Cycling
  • Running
  • Mountain Biking
  • Cyclocross
  • Duathlon
  • Swimming
  • Personal Training
  • Corporate Wellness
  • 1-on-1 Coaching
  • Remote Coaching
  • Strength Training
  • Run Analysis
  • Biochemical Analysis
Athlete Requirements
For specific strengthening we will need some material or access to the gym to perform the exercises.
Meet Your Coach
George Leal
TrainingPeaks Certified Coach Level 2
George Leal Power4Endurance
Carcavelos Portugal 2775-504
Coach Bio

With over 20 years of experience in Endurance sports, I am a Personal Trainer specializing in strengthening for athletes and endurance sports practitioners. I work with triathletes, runners, cyclists, swimmers and other endurance athletes, helping them improve their performance and prevent injuries through specific training and individualized strategies.
I provide in-person and online support through specific training plans for each sport.

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Why should we perform specific strength and strengthening training?

Strength training is an important tool for endurance athletes, such as runners, cyclists, swimmers and triathletes. Although factors such as maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) and anaerobic threshold (the ability to sustain intense effort) are widely worked on in traditional training, strength training stands out in another aspect: improving movement economy. Movement economy means spending less energy to perform the same movements, which is essential in long-duration events. Studies show that even athletes who are already well-trained in endurance can gain efficiency and improve performance with strength training. Therefore, incorporating muscle strengthening into training helps athletes become more efficient, prevent injuries and achieve better results in competitions.

This reinforces the importance of including strength exercises in the routine of those who seek to exceed their limits in endurance sports.

After analyzing your current physical condition, we will outline the best action plan for you to evolve quickly and consistently, preventing injuries and helping you achieve your goals more safely and effectively.

Get in touch now and together we will take your fitness to another level!!

Preferred Athlete Levels
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Professional
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