A number of innovative tools for analyzing power meter data will be implemented in version 4.0 (and beyond) of WKO. One such innovation is a novel mathematical model of the human exercise intensity-duration relationship, in this case applied to cycling. The purpose of our month-long series of free webinars by Dr. Coggan is to introduce this approach.
Specifically, in week 1 Dr. Coggan presented a primer on mathematical modeling, so that viewers can better understand the basics of evaluating mathematical models. Watch the first webinar, “A Primer on Modeling“.
In the second part of the series, which was conducted last night, this knowledge was applied in comparing various candidate models (e.g., the critical power paradigm), so that their inherent strengths and weaknesses were made apparent. Watch the second webinar, “Limitations of Current Models” below or review the slides.
In week 3, these same criteria will be used to evaluate the new Power Duration Model, and demonstrate how it overcomes many of these previous limitations. Finally, in week 4 a number of present and possible future applications of the Power Duration Model will be discussed, so that viewers can appreciate the practical implications of this important advance.