Why recalculate workout metrics?
Recalculating workout metrics comes in handy when you’ve uploaded a data file and:
- don’t see any summary data or don’t see any time in zones? Thankfully, this is a rare occurrence, but we’ve created an easy way to fix it.
- you’ve updated your threshold and need to recalculate some workouts based on your new values.
- you overwrote some values in data field and want to reclauclate them back to the original data based on the data file
Here’s how:
1) Open the workout in question.
2) Click the “File Uploaded” button (screenshot below)
3) Click on the file and select “Recalculate workout metrics”
NOTE: If you overwrote any part of your workout stats (most often users will overwrite TSS, but this can be any metric: speed, IF, distance, etc), then doing this will undo that change.